Friday, September 23, 2011

New Release 9/23/11

It's that time of year, weather is getting colder, getting out the warmer jackets , leaves are falling, getting out the rakes, raking up the leaves.
Halloween not far either, you're already planning to decorate your home for it.
But all these leaves where to put them?
Buy Halloween Lawn Bags with kids! takes care of the leaves and you get fun decorations for your yard.

Custom Scuplts, with prebaked textures, hand drawn faces, only 1 prim each, doesnt get better then that. Swing by Baustein. grab them, decorate you're land for fall and halloween =)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Release 7/10/11

It's been a while since I actually blogged or released something and it felt good to finally be able to make something new and loving this set.

As some might heard of the Designers challenge inworld, started by Isla Gealach, and Froukje Hoorenbeek. I took part of it and had a lot of fun doing this challenge. I picked GM Nikolaidis, owner of HomeKraft, to pick a photo what inspires us both. and we chose this photo.

I went a different direction then the photo showing, because of the vibe I got from it, and here's why it inspired me so much.

The colors and the feel striked me right away, it took a few hours of really thinking what I should do with it, then ideas started flowing through my head. I had idea's of this dragon, zen style garden set, with the warm colors and the flames of the dragons, of strength and courage.

So I created this set, creating each piece by hand, just like the asian craftsmen did. Perfect for friends and family to hang out in the garden, while the sun sets with its warm colors shining over the sky. Candlelight always burning so the dragons flames never going out.

This set is set to two different version, just transfer or just copy.
You can check out mine and GM's creations right here @ Baustein or @ HomeKraft Main store's

Hope to be able to release more soon. =)

Friday, January 28, 2011

new Release 1/28/11

Its Snowboard and Ski Season, enjoying hot cocoa, being bundled up and traveling to snow lodges or ski resorts, hitting up the slops, going snowboarding or skiing.

I love Snowboarding, go as much as I can. I also enjoy having my snowboards around even on off season because they do make for great decoration to the room being hung on the wall.
I wanted to have something in SL as well.
and hope everyone will enjoy this set as much as I do creating it. =)

Available here @ the Main Store

new Releases 1/28/11

I got a few new Releases for this week.

Snow is just pilling up and we keep getting more, and I know we all love to decorate our parcels or sims to winter, summer, spring or fall.
I had my best friend Jennaa ask me to scuplt some snow covered rocks because she wanted to decorate her sim, I saw it as a fun little challenge,
I tried making these as low prim as possible and this is what I came up with.
Also made them without being snow covered

Their Available at The Mainstore right here and also Available on Marketplace

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Release 1/12/11

Got something new but different and for different market as well, this time something for the builders out there or anyone who loves cats.
Was a fun little challange, def will be seeing normal copies of these textured as well at the store soon for you cat lovers, thought tho I give a scuplt kit a try, never hurts trying new stuff.